The Ultimate Bootcamp to

Create your Certification or Licensing Program

You know that crushing worry that if you stopped, so would your business?

The frustration of leaving money on the table because you can’t service everyone who would buy from you?

The even bigger frustration of knowing you have a great business but aren’t going to be able to sell it because it’s based on you?

If you’re a service provider with a growing, thriving business, I’d bet a lot of money that you know those feelings all too well.

I hear those problems from clients all the time. To the outside world, you’re killing it- people would be thrilled to have “too much” business.

But, in the few quiet moments of your day, you know that what you’re doing isn’t sustainable or scalable and it’s only a matter of time before you burn out or hit an income ceiling. 

You’ve heard the solution is to hire help. And for some people, having a large team works amazingly.

But maybe you’ve tried it and you know managing lots of people is not for you.

Or you’re (rightly) concerned about the ever-tightening job market and don’t want to grow a business that needs a ton of people.

What if there was another way that didn’t require hiring lots of people or continuing to work All.The.Hours?

What if you could use what you already have in your business to create a new, valuable asset -

that would seriously boost your revenue now AND

make your business more valuable when you sell it?

How can I help you uncover your

IP Goldmine ?

Oh, hi. I’m Andrea

I am a Cambridge-educated lawyer with over 15 years of experience helping entrepreneurs create and protect their assets.

I’ve been where you are and it took a cancer diagnosis at the ripe old age of 37 to shock me enough to find another way to grow my business without growing my stress.

I needed to find a way to create revenue and grow wealth in a way that made time for me to look after myself much better than I had been.

I found that way by uncovering my intellectual property goldmine.

I’ve also since done this for many clients and I want to give you the blueprint to uncovering your IP goldmine -

so you can stop worrying about your business stopping when you stop and -

start planning for what you’ll do with the millions you’ll make when you sell.

“Andrea Henry sat down with me and asked me about my goals and my legacy.

That conversation opened up so much for me and she showed me what I had available to me right now that could help me reach it and reach it quickly.

With her guidance and strategic help I created my own coaching certification program tapping into my IP.

From that offering we have brought multiple six figures into my business and are creating an impact on a global scale.

I am so grateful for what Andrea has shown me is possible in my own business; I highly recommend Andrea for taking your business to the next level.


“We came to Andrea with a lot of knowledge and expertise as DEI consultants…

but no clue how to use our intellectual property other than by delivering workshops ourselves.

Andrea was a godsend! She helped us figure out how to sell our programs to corporate and large organizations in a way that kept us protected.

Being able to safely share our IP in a leveraged way that didn't mean exchanging time for money was a game changer in our business.

-Tenniel and Kadeem Brown, Browns Consulting

What’s the Process?

My powerful methodology guides you through a thorough assessment of your existing IP buckets,

Your brand and your skill set determines the best vehicle for them, whether that be a certification program or licensing. 

We co-create the systems and legal framework necessary to protect and enhance the value of this new asset.

You’ll walk away with clear answers to:

  1. What’s the best IP asset I can build with my existing brand, content, systems and skill set? 

  2. How do I ensure that putting my methods out into the world won’t harm my reputation and brand integrity or result in people stealing them?

  3. How do I negotiate a licensing deal with corporate?

  4. How do I legally protect my asset so it makes me more money now and increases how much I make when I sell my business? And, most importantly, 

  5. Can I really do this?

Your Investment

My private clients invest a minimum of $20K with me and my team to turn their assets into IP Gold.

Your investment for this program is just $5,000 CAD incl. tax

It Includes:

  • Videos, checklists, workbooks, calendars and other resources carefully designed to help you launch your licensing or certification program in 12 weeks.

  • Office hours for questions, reviews and accountability  every Wednesday from 11:30- 1 p.m. EST

  • All call replays

  • Legal contract templates and guides to trademark and copyright registration

  • Guest coaching by brand and curriculum development experts

  • Slack channel for questions between our sessions

The time to free yourself is now!

There’s only space for 8 entrepreneurs in this program so that you get the individual help you need.


Uncover your IP Goldmine

Watch the video below for an introduction to Intellectual Property, see what others have done to leverage their own, and discover what IP can do for your business.

Still Have Questions?

Book a Discovery Call